Fat is important for a healthy diet but the main important is to balance it. By the recent studies it’s been said that man should eat 95g of fat in a day and women should only intake 70g in a day.
Excess of fat intake can increased your weight and also cause you a lot of health problems. No one wants to have any kind of problem with their health but for that you need to follow small tiny thing.
Tips to cut fat from our food
Have Healthy Life!
Excess of fat intake can increased your weight and also cause you a lot of health problems. No one wants to have any kind of problem with their health but for that you need to follow small tiny thing.
Tips to cut fat from our food
- Avoid Fired foods and start having Grilled, Baked, Steamed, and Boiled
- Learn to have foods which are homemade
- Always have low fat dairy (milk, yoghurt, cream and many milk products)
- Avoid fatty snacks
- Have a lot of vegetables and Fruits as I always mention this because this is most important thing to do as it help you with various ways.
- Have food with high fibers like beans, grains, lentils and many more
- Avoid food from streets

- cheese
- fried meat
- fried anything
- sunflower seeds
- cookies and cakes
- lard, butter, margarine
- potato chips and tortilla chips
- bacon, weiners, polony, canned meats
- fast foods, like hamburgers and french fries
- milkshakes and smoothies with lots of yoghurt.
Have Healthy Life!