Friday 7 December 2012


A secret of weight loss

Many people are food lovers and can’t stop themselves from controlling their diet.

Fear of weight gain and love for food is a very dangerous combination!!

My mother-in-law’s and mine secret is simple....WALKING!!!!!

We love to walk as it’s the form of exercise and an easy way wherein we can cut down most of our calories.
Most of the time, we avoid going to the gym due to time constraints on a daily bases however walking and including small stretches in our exercising session  can take almost 45 minutes to reduce around 300 calories.

I recently started walking plus running daily for 1 hour which helping me to reduce 1000 calories. It may be weird but it isn’t that hard to do. You can at least walk around your building premise or a park daily.
Although 1 hour walk and run seems too much of a hassle, my friends who accompany me say, "it’s not that difficult”.  Many people like to hear music while walking which I think is a good idea for you to motivate yourself to take some more rounds.

The main and important thing that is, you should not sleep as soon as you have your dinner no matter what you had in dinner. After having dinner you can again work for just 30 minutes so that you feel light before sleeping.  If you are too tried and can’t walk after dinner than make sure, that you have light dinner which include most of salad and avoid oily stuff.

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