Tuesday 4 December 2012

Nutrition guidelines

Start over again with the basics of good nutrition  

Here are some of recommended nutritional guidelines to follow for a healthy eating plan:

    Focus on fruits and vegetables: Get seven to nine fruits and vegetables each day.
    Go for low-fat dairy: Consume at least three cups of low-fat or fat-free milk each day or the equivalent in cheese, yogurt, or other calcium-rich foods.
    Choose whole grains: Get at least six to eight servings of whole grains each day.
    Steer clear of trans and saturated fats, sodium (salt), sugars, and cholesterol: Limit fat to only about 20 to 35 percent of total calorie intake and avoid trans and saturated fats.
    Choose lean proteins: Get about 15 percent of your calories from chicken without the skin, fish, beans, and legumes.

If you keep these general nutrition rules in mind, you'll be on the right track toward healthy eating for life:

    Pay attention to portion control; quantities depend on whether you’re trying to lose or maintain weight. In most restaurants, an appetizer serving is often closer to an appropriate serving size than an entrée.
    Always drink plenty of water.
    Vary your food choices to make sure you get a wide variety of vitamins and other nutrients and to avoid boredom.
    Know the recommended daily calorie intake for your age, weight, height, activity level, and gender.
    Don't deprive yourself of foods you love; just enjoy them in moderation.

Start thinking about the basics of diet and nutrition again, and make nutritional guidelines part of your everyday life. It won't be a diet, it won't be a fad, and it definitely won't be temporary. It will be your new healthy lifestyle, and when you think, "What's for dinner?" the answer will naturally be a healthy choice.

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