Monday 16 July 2012


Easy ways for quick Breakfast 

Are you too busy with your schedule that you don’t have time to prepare your breakfast or you might have to reach early to office or any meetings? Here’s the solution...  

These are the quick Breakfast that does not take much time to make and are healthy

Hard-Boiled Eggs

Eggs are one of the only foods that contain naturally occurring vitamin D
Helps to Supply Protein
Helps to Keep Your Brain Healthy
Helps to Protect Your Eyes
Helps to make bones stronger
Eggs help to lower the risk of Breast cancer by 40%

Brown Bread Butter

Helps to Supply Protein
Its low in saturated fat
Contains vitamin A
Gives nutrients and fiber
Helps to make bones stronger
Lower your risk of Heart problems
It’s high in complex carbohydrates


Hydrates you at the beginning of the day
Has natural fiber to ensure excellent digestion
Protect you from illness
Milk-Based Smoothies Provide Calcium


Its good source of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and carbohydrates
Helps to Supply Protein
Very low in saturated fat
It has no cholesterol
It’s one of the healthy breakfast cereal


Gives lot of nutrition for your body and your brain
It contains water and fiber
Lower your risk of deadly diseases like stroke, diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers

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