Monday 6 August 2012

8 Tips for weight loss

Weight loss Tips

Weight loss tip 1
: Calculate your weight plus height by using BMI and set a target for weight loss.

Weight loss tip 2:  Plan your days that on which days you are going to exercise and on what time. Also plan your breaks according to your schedule.

Weight loss tip 3: Will shopping make sure you buy all healthy Stuff like fruits, vegetables, grains, and cereals.

Weight loss tip 4
: Avoid street foods. Start preparing your own healthy meal or if you have any of your family member cooking you can always join them and help learn cooking.

Weight loss tip 5: For exercise start with Workout, Cycling, Skipping, Swimming, Walking, jogging or you can add up with some good weight loss classes which will help you to be regular.

Weight loss tip 6: Do not try to skip breakfast. Proper Breakfast is necessary to start your day and be active. For Quick Breakfast to have you can check our post on #Quick Breakfast.

Weight loss tip 7
: Do some physical activity for like just 30 minutes. If you’re at home clean your draws, cupboard or go learn some recipe from your mom and try it. On weekend or on your off you can clean your house.

Weight loss tip 8
: Have your fluid everyday. Make sure that you have water at least 8 glasses everyday. You can also add some flavors to water like lime. 

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