Wednesday 1 August 2012

Tips for Yoga

Yoga Tips 

Start your yoga practice at home slowly, continue steadily and gently.

Tips 1
Collect some yoga video
It is much easier and more enjoyable, to learn yoga, through video.

 Tips 2
Always perform yoga early in the morning
You will feel fresh to start the day as your mind throws out all stress and relax.

Tips 3
Keep Breathing
Always breathe properly long and deep, it helps to be healthier.

Tips 4
Perform yoga in an empty space around
Even if you friends are practicing yoga make sure that you need to leave enough space between yourself and others.

Tips 5
Drink only small amounts of water beforehand
You should not eat one or two hours before and drink during yoga practice.

Tips 6
Wear loose clothes
While practicing yoga always wear comfortable clothes so you can do all the yoga in all directions.

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