Tuesday 14 August 2012

How to Plan a Healthy Holidays

Plan for Healthy Holidays

  • During holidays forget about losing weight just try to maintain your current weight.
  • Do some Excise by going for a walk or playing outdoor games with kids. Make sure you plan it everyday.
  • Have proper meal and don't forget to have on time.
  • If you are going for a party where you know there will be alcohols, before you leave eat a light snack like vegetables or fruit to curb your appetite. You will be less tempted together drinks.
  • Try some good and healthy recipes at home and call your friends for dinner, always include salad in your meals. you can also check out at some of the recipe at HaveHealthyLifestyle Recipes.
  • Normally while we are working you don't have time for a morning walk or you may feel it boring to go for a walk but when you are on holidays you have advantage to feel the breeze of morning sunrise and fresh air so do try to go for a walk in the morning.
  • Focus on spending time with people and less on shopping and food. Remember, the holidays are a time to slow down and catch up with your loved ones.
  • Always Stay organized and do things ahead of time. Plan your meal at the start of the day.
  • If you eat more food than you planned for, don’t think you have failed. Stop eating for the night and focus on spending the rest of your time with the people around you. Include extra exercise, monitor your blood glucose levels, and get back on track with your usual eating habits the next day.
  • Stay active and try that you don't break your routine...

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