Tuesday 14 August 2012

Magic of Deep Breaths

by Amarjeet Kaur
The Magic of taking Deep Breaths

Are you nervous because you are sitting for an interview between many candidates and wishing that you get selected?  And once you’re called inside for the interview your hands are shaking and even breathe and voice is breaking….

In that case do not put yourself into embarrassing situation and start taking slow breathe but make sure that its deep. Soon after two three deep breaths you will feel tremendous differences in yourself, your mind will have cool and calm feeling. That’s the point when you will start getting new ideas and thoughts.

Whenever you are in the garden with colorful flowers and fresh air around you do try and start taking deep breaths that gives oxygen to your heart, peace to your mind, and gives refreshing glow on your face.

The best way to have good sleep without spending your hard earned money on medication is when you are ready to hit the bed to sleep remember :
  • Clean your foots and dry them 
  • Always wear loose and comfortable clothes
  • Then sit on the bed and start taking deep breaths try to fill in your lungs through your nose and breath out slowly
Repeat it maximum times, I am sure you can do it easily but DO NOT PUSH YOURSELF.

Deep breaths can give u your life back. Taking a deep breath can do wonders for your well-being.

Consult your doctor if you have blood pressure or other health problem.

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