Friday 31 August 2012

How to put on weight for skinny people?

How to put on weight?

We often meet people who are always trying to reduce their weight, but there are some individuals who are actually working hard to put on weight. 
There are many ways this can be achieved but foremost get to a doctor or nutritionist to assess that your appetite is healthy and that you are not suffering from some disease condition. 

Some useful tips that can help to put on weight

Let’s start with an age old recipe used frequently by our grandmothers
2 Bananas + 1 glass of milk early in the morning on an empty stomach (make sure you are not allergic to bananas or lactose intolerant, in such an event, you can try other foods listed below)

Gaining weight is important but main thing to remember is while eating have high and rich calorie food that do not shoot up unhealthy cholesterol levels.

You can include in your diet avocado, coconut milk, full fat yoghurt, cheese, organic butter, dried fruits and nuts, strawberries, and olive oil.

Besides this exercising regularly also helps try yoga or gym at least 4 days a week. But do make sure your trained or exercise under a knowledgeable trainer, who can monitor your weight gain. 

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